Oct 7, 2011

Sandwiches and a spread

One of the challenges of this diet is the time of preparation. I find myself using simple sandwiches as a default. I've come up with a few variations that seem to help keep me from getting too bored.

Unsalted peanut butter starts to get on my nerves. Here are some ways I've brightened the stuff up:

  • Mrs. Dash spice mixes
  • A thin layer of miso on the other slice of bread
  • Hoi Sin sauce
  • Grilled in olive oil with garlic
  • Srirachi sauce.
Another type is the salad sandwich. Basically, it's lettuce, tomato, zucchini, onion, and any other raw veggies that you can manage within two slices of bread. The big changes for this type of sandwich is the condiments. Here are some of the things you can use to jazz it up.
  • Hummus (I make my own and have for years. I'll post the recipe soon.)
  • Baba Ganouj (I make this too.)
  • Tofu spread (The recipe for this is below.)
  • Chutney
  • etc.
Tofu Spread
Before we start, let's talk about spice mixes. As the French say, "Chacun a son gout." Each person has their own preference. I happen to like things that are strongly-flavored, spicy, and heavy with chili pepper. So in the recipe below, I'd probably use two teaspoons of curry or chili powder. Unless your tastes are similar, you should start with less and tweak it.

But I have also made it with extra garlic and a double fistful of basil leaves (yeah! damn good!). One of my favorites combined wasabi, crumbled nori seaweed, and a touch of soy sauce instead of salt. I've also made it with Cajun seasoning and with ... well you get the picture.

The beauty of tofu is that it provides a medium that has dense texture but little flavor, which makes it possible for you to indulge in some radical experimentation.

  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Food processor
  • Spatula
  • Storage container or jar
  • 1 block tofu (Many people like the texture of silken tofu but I prefer firm.)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Preferred spice mix
  • 1 garlic clove
  1. Crush and mince the garlic.
  2. Open the tofu package and drain it.
  3. Cut the tofu into about eight chunks.
  4. Put the garlic and tofu into the food processor.
  5. Add a couple of glugs of olive oil
  6. Add the spice mixture.
  7. Add salt to taste.
  8. Blend until thick and smooth.
  9. Use the spatula to move the stuff into a jar or covered container.
Store in the refrigerator. It should keep for a week, but probably won't last that long.

In addition, it makes a great dip.

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